A door is only as good as its frame. Even the best quality doors can become far less secure if their frame or jamb is sub-par or damaged. If you need your commercial door frames checked, repaired or replaced, our team can lend you a hand.
At Ultimate Doors, our team of skilled technicians extend their expertise in servicing door frames and their parts. We can help fit, install, repair and replace your commercial door jambs and frames to equip your property with a well-built door for long-lasting security.
Whether it’s an entire timber door frame or an individual hardwood door jamb, we can assure you that we have the expertise to diagnose and solve the problem. Our team can repair damaged door jambs made of steel, timber, hardwood and aluminium to suit your requirements and design.
In addition to repairing and improving existing frames, we can also replace frames or jambs that aren’t as good as they need to be. Replacement will be the recommended option if it offers better support for the full functionality and security of the door, such as in the case of a distorted frame surface. A wooden door frame may become warped due to moisture compromising its structural integrity. Not only can this lead to warping, but also has the potential to spread mould and rot.
Ultimate Doors is your one-stop shop for your commercial door needs. Our skilled door technicians will always ensure that your whole door — frame, jamb, handles and locks — are fit-for-purpose and properly installed.
Contact us today to know what we can do for you. We have a wide range of commercial door services to suit your needs, whether it’s repairing your timber door jambs or installing a new door system.